English (UK)


Greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, are on everyone's lips talking about the ever-increasing global warming. One way to slow the whole thing down is decarbonisation. This measure describes the conversion of one's economy, especially the energy economy, in the direction of a low turnover of carbon. In the long run, the goal is a carbon-free economy. We at Salvia Gebäudetechnik have long recognised this - and are acting accordingly.


Decarbonisation – Why Actually?

Carbon dioxide is one of the most emitted greenhouse gases in the world. In Germany alone, the substance ranks first among emitted gases with a share of 87.1%. Carbon dioxide constantly influences air and water quality by increasing the greenhouse effect and changing the pH value of the water. This is not without consequences and is reflected, for example, in more frequent and more pronounced natural disasters.

If one wants to slow down global warming in the long term, it is important in the best case to avoid the greenhouse gases that cause it entirely. This means replacing actions and processes that release carbon dioxide (CO2) with those that do not or compensate for it. The CO2 emissions caused per unit of energy produced can be reduced through decarbonisation. According to the motto: "The best kilowatt-hour is the one you don't use," energy should be saved effectively.


Decarbonisation in your own company: How to do it?

In concrete terms, decarbonisation in the energy industry means switching to renewable energies. Solar energy is probably the best-known example of this.

How does it work? Photovoltaic systems capture the energy coming from the sun and store it so that it can be reused as electricity. We at Salvia building technologies use this energy to power our buildings and charging stations, among other things. Thus, we make our contribution as a decarbonised company.

Not only can electricity be generated with a solar system, but heating is also possible with the help of so-called heat pumps. In addition, the use of solar energy is cost-saving in the long run, as transport costs and power losses are eliminated with an own solar system.

At Salvia building technologies, we are committed to helping our customers save CO2 in every building we equip. It is not for nothing that photovoltaic systems, building automation systems, and heating and energy technology, which also deals with solar energy and heat recovery, are among our core competencies.


The future: healthier without greenhouse gases

It is common knowledge that our planet can only have a healthy future if climate change is stopped. Decarbonisation is a central part of these measures. However, avoiding unnecessary energy waste is not yet a priority everywhere, which is why decarbonisation is progressing only slowly worldwide. Moreover, for many, installing renewable energy systems is too expensive in the short run, even though it is clear that, in the long run, they are even more cost-saving than buying fossil energy.

In general, greenhouse gases can not be avoided on a natural level - but they can on an industrial level. Therefore, decarbonisation is worthwhile for the return to natural emission levels.