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Slide One


The Covid-19 pandemic and its social, as well as economic impact, has us all firmly in its grip. But right now we want to remember. Among us are people who have to cope with difficult life situations, regardless of the pandemic, and often dependent on support from aid organizations.
The Königskinder outpatient hospice service accompanies families in Münster and the surrounding area in which a child, adolescent, or young adult has a life-shortening illness. The aim is to provide help, encouragement, and support during this difficult phase of life, in line with the motto "it's not about giving life more days, but giving the days more life".

We want to offer help.
Salvia Gebäudetechnik decided last year to clear out its electrical warehouse at the Borken site. In December, our colleagues organized a big employee warehouse sale. The result of the two days was an empty warehouse and a donation of 1.600€.
This sum will now be donated to the „Königskinder – ambulanter Hospizdienst für Kinder und Jugendliche gemeinnützige GmbH in Münster“ .
On February 3, 2020, our marketing manager Björn Kortwinkel proudly handed over the check to Königskinder on behalf of Salvia Gebäudetechnik.

For more info around Königskinder: